CasaNave Alle Mura is an ideal space for educational, cultural and artistic activities. It combines beauty and functionality for events of various kinds. Opened in 2021 by its founder, Gloria Desideri, it is just outside the historic center of Tuscania, a medieval village in northern Lazio.
Body-Mind Centering®
certification programs
licensed by SBMC®
CasaNave Alle Mura is home to the Body-Mind Centering® certification programs organized by Leben nuova. During the intensive residential course period, it is the optimal environment for bodywork and concentration, individual and group, provides privacy and facilitates community spirit.
Corses, concerts, performances, community gathering, and other social and cultural events.
CasaNave is the versatile and welcoming space where the Kinesfera Association APS promotes its activities aimed to body-mind integration, the development of awareness and skills at all stages of life, the enhancement of the local area and the cultural growth of the community.
Spacious, light-filled spaces, with brightness, comfort and versatile functionality.
Modern, open, exhibit building. Ideal for educational and workshop activities. Modular structure that can be rented as a whole or in part. Suitable for photo and video shoots, corporate and team building events, as a rehearsal and performance space, ceremonies and more.
Familytoon in musica
Familytoon in musica
"Familytoon in musica - famiglie animate in festa, music games" è il quarto e ultimo appuntamento della rassegna MUSICA, CHE PASSIONE! Il gruppo MAKKA Cartoon Band presenta un programma di cover dei cartoni animati coinvolgendo il pubblico di grandi e piccini con dei g...
Brahms/Tsfasman: le danze incontrano il jazz
Brahms/Tsfasman: le danze incontrano il jazz
Il duo pianistico Dora Dorti e Salvatore Giannella presenta un originale repertorio adattato per pianoforte a quattro mani: le Danze Ungheresi di Johannes Brahms (1833 – 1897), sintesi straordinaria di virtuosismo, energia ritmica e fascino melodico; e la "Jazz Suite...
Suoni del Sud con I PizziCanto
Suoni del Sud con I PizziCanto
Arrangiamenti articolati, ritmiche trascinanti, e costanti riferimenti a diversi generi e culture: I PizziCanto presentano a CasaNave il loro originale e versatile repertorio, per una serata festosa e coinvolgente, dove sarà difficile non lasciarsi muovere dalla magia ...